Espresso is good for the mind, body and soul if you’re not a regular Espresso drinker you should be and this article will explain why.
Espresso Wakes You Up
The caffeine in a shot of Espresso will wake you up and help you function properly thanks to the caffeine content.
Espresso Keeps You Awake
Not only will Espresso wake you up it will make you alert and keep you awake which is especially handy when you have to do unpleasant tasks, like go to work.
Espresso Gives You Energy
Not only will the dark delight pull you out of that zombie state you are in every morning when you wake up Espresso will give you energy helping you plough through the workday, the gym and those long nights out.
Espresso Burns Fat
Espresso will help you burn fat and keep unwanted fat at bay. In short Espresso is a non-calorie drink that will keep hunger at bay and of course, contains caffeine which in itself is a natural fat burner.
Espresso Lowers The Risk Of Heart Disease
Studies have been carried out in Sweden and Finland which included over 140000 people; the studies confirmed that
- Drinking 1-2 servings of coffee a day have a 4% lower risk of heart failure than non-coffee drinkers
- Drinking 3-4 servings of coffee a day have a 10% lower risk of heart failure than non-coffee drinkers
- Drinking 4-5 servings of coffee a day have an 11% lower risk of heart failure than non-coffee drinkers
The researchers concluded that Coffee consumption lowers the risk of heart disease.
Espresso Lowers The Risk Of Liver Disease
The European safety authority has confirmed that drinking 3-5 cups of Coffee (the equivalent of 4-6 Espresso’s) can cut the risk of getting Liver Cancer by 65%. Liver Cancer is the fifth biggest killer in the EU.
Espresso Reduces The Risk Of Colon Cancer
Researchers in America have confirmed that drinking even a small amount of Coffee per day (1-2 cups) reduces the chances of developing bowel cancer by 26% and the odds get even better if you drink Espresso! Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK, so if you’re not pounding the Espresso, you better start now.
Espresso Reduces The Risk Of Prostate Cancer
Drinking just 3 Espressos daily will cut the risk of Prostate Cancer by 53% Italian scientists confirmed this by testing coffee extracts on prostate cancer cells and running a study with 7000 participants (Lots of people drink Espresso in Italy the Italians won’t drink any other form of coffee after 11 am). The Scientists also found that the caffeine extracted from Espresso stunts the growth of tumours.
Espresso Reduces The Risk Of Dementia Alzheimers and even Parkinsons Disease
Scientists claim that Coffee consumption can protect the brain from bad proteins that can cause Dementia, Alzheimer and even Parkinsons disease. 3-5 cups of coffee a day can cut the risk of getting dementia or Alzheimer’s by up to 27%.
Espresso Reduces The Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes
Espresso contains polyphenols (an antioxidant molecule) magnesium and chromium, which have been shown to regulate insulin sensitivity and in turn, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Espresso Reduces The Risk Of Depression & Suicide
Researchers discovered that moderate daily Coffee drinkers have a 15% less risk of depression than non-coffee drinkers and were 50% less at risk from suicide.
Espresso Drinkers Live Longer, Healthier, Happier Lives
Coffee drinkers live 10-15% longer than non-coffee drinkers are healthier and happier it would be illogical not to drink it. Both Coffee and Espresso are good for you especially if you drink yours black without sugar but overall Espresso is healthier than Coffee